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JN Electrical Temperature Control, Inc Blog

Don’t Let Your Energy Bills Scare You


Grabbing the mail at the end of the month shouldn’t be something you are scared to do. Likewise, checking your email shouldn’t be a stressful experience either. However, if your energy bills have been out of control recently, you may be more hesitant than usual to see if you’ve got mail–especially if you are looking at the bill for a commercial space.

What if we told you that the utility bill for your commercial space shouldn’t be that out there? While keeping a larger storefront or office comfortable does cost more than cooling a home, it shouldn’t be so high that you have to choose between staying cool and keeping the lights on.

Let’s dive in to discuss what might be bugging your commercial HVAC in Carnesville, GA and how we can help address the problem and wrangle those energy bills back down.

You have a dirty HVAC filter

Your air filter is meant to protect your commercial HVAC systems from the problems caused by dust collecting inside of it. If your filter has been in place for too long, it can be just as damaging to your system though. A clogged filter reduces the flow of air into your system and increases the amount of work it has to do–which jacks up your monthly energy bills. Make sure to change your HVAC system filter regularly!

There is a refrigerant leak

A refrigerant leak is going to ruin the efficiency of your air conditioning system. Whether it is a residential or commercial system, refrigerant leaks will mess with its operation and efficiency until it is repaired. This can eventually cost you an entire system too so make sure to address the problem quickly. Our team is here to provide the commercial system repairs you need.

You have a dirty evaporator coil

If there is too much dirt and debris collected on your evaporator coil it will hinder the heat transfer process. When that happens, it will increase the amount of energy that your system has to use in order to cool down your space. This can be addressed with a maintenance check or taken care of with a system repair.

Something is wrong with the thermostat

How well is your thermostat working? If it is having trouble with detecting temperature or responding to your requests to adjust the temperature in your commercial space. These are more than an inconvenience for you because they can also ruin the efficiency of your system and drive up your energy bills. Make sure to upgrade your thermostat every 10 years or whenever you upgrade your AC or heater.

You have a ductwork problem

Your ductwork is vital to the operation of your HVAC system. If there is serious levels of debris built up in your ducts it can hinder your HVAC systems’ efficiency. Any leaks or holes in your ductwork will also mess with your systems and drive up your energy bills. We can help keep your ductwork in working condition.

Running a business or just managing a commercial space is a big task. You can trust our team to help you tackle your comfort needs without a hassle.

Feel The Difference! Contact the team at JN Electrical Temperature Control, Inc to schedule an appointment for your commercial HVAC needs.

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