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The 50% Rule on Air Conditioner Replacement

Your air conditioner undergoes repairs, there’s a bill you have to foot, and the world keeps on spinning. It’s part of being a homeowner and owning an air conditioner, but there’s a point where you need to stop paying for repairs and consider replacement instead.

AC replacement in Hartwell is the best solution if your air conditioner falls under the 50% rule. Let’s talk about it right now so you can know whether it’s time for a replacement or not.

The 50% Rule in a Nutshell

If your air conditioner breaks down, you call for repair, then get a quote on how much it’ll cost before the technician gets to work. At this point, you can get hit with some sticker shock.

If the cost of repairing your current AC is 50% or greater than the price of a brand new unit installation, then it’s better to just opt for the new unit.

That expensive repair cost isn’t going to be the last time you fix that air conditioner. When you run into problems of this magnitude, it’s a signal that your AC is at the end of its rope.

Repairs Can’t Replace Ideal Factory Conditions

When these air conditioner units are made, they’re created with precision and machined in factories with specialized equipment. These facilities create fantastic units that are built and tested under ideal conditions.

Try as they might, no technician in the world can restore your air conditioner to factory-new condition. Maintenance renews most of your air conditioner’s efficiency, but there’s always a gradual decline that your AC goes through. It starts off small, but there’s no stopping it.

After 10 Years, Start Stowing Away for a Replacement

When your air conditioner hits that ten-year mark, it means you need to begin saving for its eventual replacement. Most air conditioners last for around 10-15 years, though some can last beyond that limit with proper maintenance right from the start.

However, repairs aren’t the only reason that you may seek out a replacement. Just because your air conditioner works doesn’t mean it’s working efficiently. With older air conditioners, they may need to run for twice as long as a new unit just to cool your home.

There are also technological strides to keep in mind. Manufacturing processes evolve, energy standards change, and manufacturers attempt to make their machines more efficient than their competitors. That means you have better, more efficient choices as time goes on. An old, inefficient air conditioner can be retired a little early if it’s struggling.

Note: We offer financing options through our partners if your air conditioner fails and you need alternative funding solutions to install a new one in your home.

Fix or Replace: It’s Up to You

Whether you fix your air conditioner and pay the high price for it, or you replace it entirely, well that’s up to you. Extensive repairs may buy your air conditioner another year or two, depending on its age, but after the ten-year mark, you really need to consider air conditioner replacement.

Contact JN Electrical Temperature Control, Inc. today to schedule your air conditioner replacement and Feel The Difference.

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